Orders placed before 2pm Eastern Standard time will be shipped on the same day, unless it’s a holiday. Orders placed after 2pm will be shipped the next business day.
Orders placed on Saturday or Sunday will be shipped Monday, or the next business day in the event Monday is a holiday.
If your order includes a pre-order or backordered item, your entire order will be held until we have all items in stock. If you would like to receive items that are in stock right away and have your backordered items ship upon availability, please contact us by phone at 888-599-9355 or by email at support@healthclubnation.com and let us know. Be aware that additional shipping fees will apply for separate shipments.
If an order is placed before 2pm Eastern time Monday through Friday, it will be shipped on the same day, unless it is a holiday. If it is placed after 2pm, it will be shipped on the next business day. Orders placed on Saturday, Sunday, and on holidays will not be shipped until the next business day when we are open. Customers may be charged a fee of $12 or more for making changes such as an addition to the order or a change in the address after an order is shipped after 2pm. If a customer needs to make a change on an order placed over the weekend, he/she will need to send an email to support@healthclubnation.com. Be sure to provide the shipping department with your order #, the correct shipping address, and include the changes that need to be made. If you received a product that does not match the ones in your invoice or if you missing an item, please call us immediately and we will send the right product with a return label to send us back the wrong one. If you received a damaged or defective item, please return it back to us and we will send you a new one as soon as we receive the damaged or defective item. Any order over $100 is entitled to Free shipping in the United States. International orders will have to pay the shipping fees.
We take about 2-7 business days to create apparel products (t-shirts etc.) and 2-5 business days for non-apparel (posters etc.) products. Then you should add shipping times on top of that. Speed and price depends on product type and destination. It can get a bit confusing, that's why we've made these tables to help you out. 96% of these orders are shipped within 5 business days. More than a half of our orders are shipped within 3 business days or less. (Holiday exceptions may occur.)
International orders are shipped via United States Postal Service and can take 2 to 4 weeks to arrive. Expedited shipping is not available for international orders other than those shipping to Canada. Please note that some countries will impose additional tariffs on items shipped from abroad. The customer is responsible for any country-specific tariffs and duties. These nation-specific duties are added by your respective government and are not shipping charges from healthclubnation.com. Some orders may warrant additional shipping charges due to weight and size limitation. Any order over $100 is entitled to Free shipping only in the United states. International orders will have to pay the shipping fees.
An order that is refused will be charged the original shipping plus the return shipping it takes for the package to get back to our facility. All orders shipped via UPS are subject to the “Terms and Conditions of Service” as detailed on UPS.com.
All returns will be inspected upon arrival. If you received a product that does not match the ones in your invoice or if you missing an item, please call us immediately and we will send the right product, along with a return label to send us back the incorrect one. We are not able to return any supplements that are opened.
We are proud to provide a 14 Days guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied, simply return the product within 14 days with proof of purchase and we will refund your money, less shipping and handling. This excludes mp3’s, tickets, all downloadable products, and any opened supplements.
If you have any questions about the products or problems downloading the mp3 files feel free to call us at 888-599-9355 or email us at support@healthclubnation.com. We can walk you through the process on getting them into your device. Our business hours are Monday through Friday 8am to 5pm Eastern Time.
If your question is regarding a medical emergency or you believe you need immediate medical assistance, please contact a doctor or health care provider. Information provided by this website is not medical advice and is not intended to replace or modify the medical advice of your doctor or health care provider. Please consult your health care provider for medical advice. Please remember that the information and content, in the absence of a visit with a health care professional, must be considered as an informational/educational service only and is not designed to replace a physician's independent judgment about the appropriateness of risks of a procedure or condition for a given patient. Welcome to the healthclubnation.com! Here at healthclubnation.com our mission is to see you reach your potential in whatever your body goals are. We believe that all people are athletes competing for something every day. From elite performers, to sports, to excelling at work, to having the speed, strength, and stamina for the kids and grandkids. Each day we all compete with life to become our best. Thats why here at healthclubnation.com we call our thousands of members - “Member Athletes.” You might be a "patient" at your physicians office, but not here. Here at healthclubnation.com we build member athletes so you can perform at the highest level and reach your potential. I, hereby authorize healthclubnation.com, an athletic organization, a Florida Company, and any staff and/or providers to act as a fitness lifestyle coach on my behalf (or my child) with our membership. I understand that any part of the healthclubnation.com Company, staff, or providers do not diagnose nor treat any condition or conditions, that they have various nationally recognized certifications in fitness and nutrition, but may not be licensed healthcare providers in my state, and that if I choose to follow through with any recommendations set forth by healthclubnation.com, I should consider a consult with my personal physician first if needed. Furthermore, I understand the following: healthclubnation.com does not offer diagnosis for any condition or conditions. healthclubnation.com does not offer treatment for any specific condition or conditions. healthclubnation.com does attempt to restore balance to the whole body by analyzing the negative environmental stimuli (food, movement, air, water, light, sleep, etc) that may be blocking the way to optimal health and athletic performance. healthclubnation.com uses the following modalities to that end: nutritional counseling that is not in the realm of dietetics, sports performance, physio-modalities, functional exercise, lifestyle coaching, functional and metabolic profiling, homeopathy, botanical methods, and whole-food supplements which are clearly indicated by research and are not intended or instructed to diagnose, prevent, cure, or treat any disease. I recognize the potential risks and benefits of the above and have had them all explained to me to my full satisfaction: Potential risks: allergic reactions to herbs and supplements, side effects of natural substances, inconvenience of lifestyle changes. Potential benefits: restoration of health and the body’s maximal functional capacity, relief of discomfort and symptoms of health challenges, assistance in injury and health challenge recovery, and prevention of health challenge or its progression. I understand that any supplements recommendations are not evaluated and approved by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease. I understand that I must consult my medical doctor (PCP) regarding any condition that I may have and must consult them regarding any medicine that I am currently taking, or desire to receive. healthclubnation.com and staff are not licensed to provide medical advice and I understand that I must seek my personal physician for any medical advice. I also recognize that speaking with healthclubnation.com Body Coaches, and providers does not establish a doctor-patient relationship. I have verbally been told this by my provider or body coach and understand this fully.
With this knowledge, I voluntarily consent to the above, realizing that no guarantees have been given to me by healthclubnation.com, or any of their affiliated personnel regarding cure or improvement of my condition. I understand that I am free to withdraw my consent and to discontinue participation in these procedures at any time. I understand that information from my consultation record may be analyzed for research purposes, and that my identity will be protected and kept confidential. I understand that any questions that I have will be answered by my consultant to the best of his/her ability.